it's here
It's all about to start. We are heading into a time of year that I both love and dread. On the one hand, I will have opportunities to expand my business, interact with customers on a frequent basis, and do what I love. On the other hand, I now officially won't have time to eat or socialize until January. I'm not complaining, I love what I do! But there's definitely a lot of trepidation mixed into my excitement! There's always that worry that I won't make it, that everything will go wrong, that no one will like a single new soap scent, that every craft show will be a bust--and I'm doing some great shows this season! Of course the reality is much less black and white than that.

So if you're looking for me in the next few months, I'm probably in my kitchen, surrounded by a few hundred of the 1700 bars of soap that are planned for production, wondering if anyone will show up to help wrap them! And remind me to eat my vegetables every once in a while, ok?
There are big and exciting things planned at Dot & Lil this holiday season!
So if you're looking for me in the next few months, I'm probably in my kitchen, surrounded by a few hundred of the 1700 bars of soap that are planned for production, wondering if anyone will show up to help wrap them! And remind me to eat my vegetables every once in a while, ok?
There are big and exciting things planned at Dot & Lil this holiday season!