a sad day: goodbye, lily of the valley

I am very sad to say that Dot & Lil's Lily of the Valley product line is being discontinued. It has always been a best-seller, right from the beginning, and was one of the scents in the original Dot & Lil product line. I'm sad to see it go! Just know that I wish it wasn't so! The supplier that carries this fragrance oil has stopped carrying it, and no matter how many samples I get from other suppliers, they all seem to be awful and none measure up to the lovely one I had before! Lily of the Valley is so hard to get right! It so often is fake smelling or overly sweet.
I'll keep trying to track down a good one but in the meantime, you Lily of the Valley lovers will have to try something new! If you haven't tried Dot & Lil's Honeysuckle product line, that's a lovely one too! Here are some pictures of Dot & Lil's Lily of the Valley stuff from present and past. Time to say goodbye!
Now discontinued: Lily of the Valley body butter, perfume and soap.