chocolate soaper hero

Remember the first edition of the SoaperHERO series that was, well, pretty awesome? Once a month, we ask people to design a SoaperHERO bath & body product. @LittleAnimation drew us a SoaperHERO mascot, using her mad skills to turn a Dot & Lil Oatmeal & Honey soap into a cape-wearing, ab-covered soaperHERO! This month she's done it AGAIN, creating the Chocolate Truffle SoaperHero out of a bar of Dot & Lil Chocolate soap. This amazing soaperHERO is the queen of sweet-smelling clean, who has the power of CHOCOLATE (sure to beat up any willpower!) See her up at the top of this post? Isn't she AWESOME? Go visit her in @LittleAnimation's post, Chocolate Soaper Hero.
This month we have NEW participants in the SoaperHERO series. First, @WhyIsDaddyCryin, funny guy behind the Why Is Daddy Crying Blog. You really need to go watch the animated film that @LittleAnimation made about him! Our second contributor is @missrogue, the courageous, beautiful, amazing Tara Hunt, brains, beauty and driving force behind Buyosphere. You need to watch her TedxConcordia talk 'The Unclear Path' which had me nodding and agreeing from my seat when she gave it. Let's see what these two have to say to our SoaperHERO questions.
Dot & Lil: What's your favorite handmade bath & body product of all time? If you could design one superhero handcrafted bath and body product, realistic or not, what would it be?
@missrogue: I have a tough time using most handmade products because I have SO many allergies when it comes to my skin. However, I found that any handmade soap that is unscented and made with an Olive Oil base works amazing for me. I hate to admit it, but I usually buy commercial products. My favorite face soap is Soy Face Cleanser by Fresh. I'm also a big fan of Kiehl's and Origins products.
A real superhero product would cure my rosacea and give me a youthful, even (non-red) skintone all over. It would smell of honey and oats. A couple of sessions with this product would mean I could throw away my entire makeup drawer. No more coverup, powders or foundations. I'd have glowing, moist, happy skin. I also love the effects of coconut oil. A superhero line of coconut oil based products would be amazing. Heck, I'd do a whole oil line: coconut, olive, avocado, almond, macadamia nut, etc.

@WhyIsDaddyCryin: A few months ago I was trying to be all hilarious and stuff on Twitter when I mentioned the fact my skin was cracking and dry, I mean you could put a hot dog between some of the cracks in my hands. So, I got a little gift in the mail from my bud at Dot & Lil....Bergamot & Shea body butter. Now, I'm not a big lotion putter oner kinda guy. The only time I use lotion is when....well, you know. But when I put this body butter stuff on my skin is was like the sun burst out from the sky! Everything became clearer, the sounds of birds chirping became crisper, and my skin felt like Rapunzel's hair was lightly sliding across it. I've been hooked ever since. I will go to my grave saying Dot & Lil's Bergamot & Shea body butter saved my marriage.
The super hero product I'd create would be Rapunzbutter, known world wide as the body butter squirting ninja zombie killing sex goddess. She would smell like a vat of roses doused in stripper body lotion. Her curves would cause grown men to visit the confessional booth on an hourly basis and her long flowing hair would make even Jennifer Aniston shave her head bald and go into a deep depression. Rapunzbutter would circle the world saving lives, rescuing puppies, helping old ladies cross the street. In short, Rapunzbutter would be the new black.
There you have it guys. Youthful, glowing skin, Rapunzbutter, and no more makeup. Another couple of great SoaperHERO wishes! Let's see if @LittleAnimation's Chocolate Truffle SoaperHero can take care of a few of these, huh?